Joe Bejin
The gift of getting personalized care as a patient from the luxury of my home bed is just simply incredible! I don’t need to arrange the time and drive to a medical center and then anticipate for the queue to finish, to see a doctor.
Search for clinics near your location or proximity and get connected to our partner clinics that deliver better health services.
Get access to on demand schedules of quality doctors associated with clinics and book an appointment of your convenience
Our secured and easy payment system guarantees you can make seamless payments against the appointments booked with Clinics.
Clinic appointments are offline by default. But patients get chance to convert offline appointment to online under extremely urgent circumstances.
Subscribe to one of the following plans for your Clinic and get access to features based on your requirements. No long-term commitments and other hidden charges or fees.
The gift of getting personalized care as a patient from the luxury of my home bed is just simply incredible! I don’t need to arrange the time and drive to a medical center and then anticipate for the queue to finish, to see a doctor.
It took me less than two minutes to search for a doctor for my skin allergies. I spend a really great amount of time to get an appointment from the top doctor. And in this digital space, Accessible Doctors helped me find the right doctor at the time of need, at the time of urgent care. What Accessible Doctors really did for me is to support me in my wellness journey.
Such a useful system for a senior citizen like myself. I can see a doctor when my family members are not available, even at midnight or in the early morning from the comfort of my couch. Simply Amazing! this service is exactly the need of the hour.
I particularly liked how Accessible Doctors platform allows for better care for both Doctors and Patients. I can see my patients as per my convenience! Usually, I have a very busy schedule throughout the week. I found the convenience and ease of it to be fantastic. I am blown away with the results of joining this platform.